Journal Metric & Achievement
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): ICTMT
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ADVANCED TOURISM, MANAGEMENT, AND TECHNOLOGY (ICTMT) published by : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Semarang (STIEPARI). International Conference is a bridge to provide information for educational institutions and lecturers/teachers that occurs within the scope of DIGITAL ADVANCED TOURISM, MANAGEMENT, AND TECHNOLOGY. ICTMT is published twice a year
Saturday, 16 September 2023 | 12:00 0 view
The International Conference on Digital Advances: Tourism, Management, and Technology (ICTMT 2023) is an international conference organized virtually by the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Indonesia (STIEPARI) Semarang, University Malaysia of Computer Science & Engineering (UNIMY), Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Indonesia, Institut Tehnologi Dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pekalongan, Akademi Akuntansi Efendi Harahap Semarang, Universitas Surakarta, STT Ronggolawe Blora, Politeknik Bumi Akpelni, Universitas Aki, STIE Rajawali, STIE Anindyaguna, ASM Santa Maria. ICTMT 2023 has the theme "Synergizing Global Trends in Digital Technology, Tourism, Economic, and Education for Sustainable Futures." The conference aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and the latest research in the fields of digital technology, tourism, economics, and education to create a sustainable future. This event will take place on December 13th to 14th, 2023, via the Zoom Meeting platform.
Road To Customer Satisfaction: The Servqual Journey
Abstract View: 94, -
A Mediated Moderation Analysis Of The Efficacy Of E-Hrm
Abstract View: 145, -
Digitization Of Pt Pertamina Mor Iv Semarang Archives
Abstract View: 29, -
Job Interview Ethics
Abstract View: 173, -
How To Improve Financial Performance For Disable People Organizer?
Abstract View: 30, -
The Influence Of Profitability, Capital Intensity, Independent Board Of Commissioners, Audit Committee, Managerial Ownership And nstitutional Ownership On Tax Avoidance Study of Secondary Consumer Goods Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2016-2020
Abstract View: 104, -
Marketing Strategy For Getuk Eco Products To Msmes In Magelang City
Abstract View: 85, -
He Effect Of Technical And Fundamental Analysis On Stock Prices
Abstract View: 60, -
Internal Auditor’s Performance In Sas Parts Companies
Abstract View: 53, -
Strategy For Competitive MSMEs In Makassar City
Abstract View: 37, -
Online Customer Review As A Purchase Decision
Abstract View: 64, -
Makassar Wuling Car Marketing Strategy
Abstract View: 57, -
Implementation Of The Digital Economy In Matano Tourism Village
Abstract View: 256,