Optimization Of Character Education Through The Project Strengthening Of Profile Pancasila Students At Senior High School Bekasi


  • Seftira Margi Saesaputri Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
  • Nurhattati Fuad Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 
  • Siti Zulaikha Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 




Optimization, Character Education, Pancasila Student Profile


Program for International Students Assessment (PISA) 2018, Indonesia is in the fifth highest position out of 78 countries as the country with the most students experiencing bullying with 41.1% of students claiming to have experienced bullying far above the average for member countries of the Organization of Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), which is only 22.7%. Based on this data, the Ministry of Education and Culture has prioritized strengthening character as discussed in the Strategic Plan for the Center for Strengthening Character (Rensra Puspera) (Kemendikbudristek, 2022) for a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students with project-based co-curricular activities designed to strengthen efforts to achieve appropriate competency and character. with a Pancasila student profile. The objects in this research were school principals and teachers as well as students using interview techniques. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the research conducted at SMA Pengkerja Bekasi were 1) understanding P5 by participating in the school mobilization program; 2) the school principal as the policy holder holds IHT or meetings for teachers regarding strengthening P5 so that they can build an educational unit culture that supports the implementation of P5; 3) Designing P5 by forming a team of facilitators, arranging the time allocation for implementing P5 using a block system, determining the objectives of each theme written in the project module; 4) Manage P5 by involving parents and external partners; 5) Assessment by compiling a report card P5.


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How to Cite

Seftira Margi Saesaputri, Nurhattati Fuad, & Siti Zulaikha. (2023). Optimization Of Character Education Through The Project Strengthening Of Profile Pancasila Students At Senior High School Bekasi. International Conference On Digital Advanced Tourism Management And Technology, 1(2), 481–486. https://doi.org/10.56910/ictmt.v1i2.109




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