The Role Of Consumer Trust As An Intervening Variable In Purchasing Decisions In Lazada E-Commerce: A Study Of Indonesian Society


  • Firdaus Firdaus Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang
  • Martini Martini Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang
  • Sri Sulistiyaningsih   Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang
  • Meizar Effendi   Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang



Purchase Decision, Lazada Indonesia


This research aims to identify the direct impact of online customer reviews and online customer ratings on trust and purchasing decisions, as well as the indirect impact of online customer reviews and online customer ratings through trust on purchasing decisions on Lazada e-commerce for Indonesian society. The research method used is quantitative with the help of a questionnaire as the main instrument. The sample collected was 250 respondents selected through purposive sampling and the data was processed with the help of SEM AMOS. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis show that online customer reviews and customer ratings have a positive and significant impact on trust and purchasing decisions directly, the same thing applies to indirect relationships, showing that the role of trust as an intervening variable can strengthen student decisions. to shop on Lazada e-commerce. This can happen because Lazada always tries to provide transparent services to consumers, and this has an impact on consumer trust in shopping at Lazada.

Author Biographies

Martini Martini, Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang



Sri Sulistiyaningsih  , Anindyaguna College of Economics, Semarang




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How to Cite

Firdaus Firdaus, Martini Martini, SriSulistiyaningsih , & Meizar Effendi  . (2023). The Role Of Consumer Trust As An Intervening Variable In Purchasing Decisions In Lazada E-Commerce: A Study Of Indonesian Society. International Conference On Digital Advanced Tourism Management And Technology, 1(1), 555–567.




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